Registration for the 2020 UNY Wates Student Dormitory is Now Open!

These are the requirements and procedures for New Student Registration at the Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, which has started running and being implemented. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) has supporting facilities for its students, namely the student dormitory. For now, student dormitories are located at UNY Wates Campus. The UNY Wates hostel consists of one building for boys and another for girls. And its location is in one area of the UNY campus complex, Wates Campus. Here are some things regarding the requirements and registration for the 2020 UNY Wates Student Dormitory:
1. Fill out the Registration Form and submit it to the Rusunawa Manager (served every day)
2. Registration began on July 1, 2020.
3. Submit:
o Color passport photos 1 sheet of 3×4 size (attached)
o Photocopy of Student Identity Card (KTP) 1 sheet.
o Photocopy of parent's ID card (father/mother) 1 sheet.
o Stamp of Rp. 6,000 1 Sheet (attached to the Contract of Order)
o Photocopy of payment for Rusunawa from Bank BRI, if payment is made through a bank.
4. Payment for Rusunawa can be made through Bank BRI Wates Branch account with Account Number 0152-01-000-380-30-0 in the name of RPL 030 UNY FOR FUNDS. The information column on the deposit slip is filled with Payment of Rusunawa 2020/2021 in the name of: ………………………. (student) and Study Program. The dormitory fee for one year is 1,750,000 and must be paid off in advance.
5. After making payment via bank, immediately confirm by sending a photo of the student data form and proof of transfer via WA: 085228044099 an Junaidi
6. All files are entered into the batik stop map, submitted when boarding.
7. The division of residential rooms is fully carried out by the Rusunawa Manager.
8. Placement of a new residential room as of September 1, 2020. (The transfer of goods to a new room is waiting for further information if the room painting work is completed this July)
Conditions of Rusunawa UNY Wates Campus
1. Polite and courteous manners
2. Dress politely and neat
3. Obeying the rusunawa curfew
4. Permit when traveling for more than 3 hours and returning home
5. Following the coaching carried out at the flats
6. Maintaining and caring for the inventory provided by the rusunawa
7. Maintaining cleanliness and safety together
8. Parking the vehicle in the right place already provided
9. Released immediately if he commits serious violations such as:
• Gambling in the Rusunawa area
• Drinking alcohol, drugs, and the like
• Fighting between friends
• Entering the room of the opposite sex
• Acting immoral
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