Plastic waste and efforts to respond to climate change
UNY students are an essential part of the climate change campaign. One of the attempts is the dissemination of the dangers of climate change. UNY students who are members of the Research UKM have released two articles, namely about the danger of plastic waste and the latest updates regarding Indonesia's environmental conditions in the context of world environment day.
Through writing related to plastic waste, we can understand that the problem of plastic waste has even spread so widely. Reports from the news that there was the discovery of the carcass of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in the waters of Kapota Island, Wakatobi National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, November 18, 2018. The whale carcass, another name for the box head whale, was then necropsied. There are various types of plastic waste found inside the dead body. They weigh a total of 5.9 kilograms. The waste consisted of plastic-based rope, cups, and bags. Plastic waste is very dangerous for living things in the sea. It can cause death.
At this point, the proposals to bring refilled water bottles, store food in disposable containers, carry cloth bags when shopping, and recycle become relevant. As an educational institution, UNY has gradually developed a culture of minimizing plastic. UNY has facilitated tumblers and the provision of drinking water facilities that the public can access. Of course, other, more structured, and massive efforts are still needed to realize UNY as a sustainable green campus truly. (Lak)