Air pollution is a problem for many countries in the world, massive cities. This air pollution causes poor ambient air quality and can be harmful to human health and the environment. Even some areas with high traffic density indicate that the pollutant has exceeded the threshold. It can bind to hemoglobin in the body so that the oxygen binding disrupts the blood. Even if humans inhale CO gas at high levels, the risk is death. In small amounts, inhaling CO can cause headaches, dizziness, light-headedness, weakness, and nausea. Therefore, it is necessary to have a breakthrough in several big cities with high traffic density to overcome this problem. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FMIPA UNY), decided to create a module or device to filter the air to reduce air pollution every day. They are Fitri Nurhidayati (Physics Education Department), Ag. Sangga Buana (Physics Study Department) and Fatcul Solikhan (Chemistry Education Department).
The Air Purifier Drone device can be flown to places with high air pollution levels and controlled by remote control to have a broader range. "This is an innovation to reduce air pollution," Fitri said. "Based on WHO research, countries with high air pollution can exacerbate and increase the risk of the coronavirus." Ag. Sangga Buana added that this drone equips with an adsorbent. This solid substance can absorb fluid particles in an adsorption process that is specific and made of porous materials.
The technology used in this drone is the DT-Sense Carbon Monoxide Sensor, a sensor module based on the MQ-7, which is a sensor that reacts to carbon monoxide gas levels in the air. Drones development using carbon monoxide sensors in their assembly. The air purifier is on the upper side of the drone body. Assembling the tool starts with installing the carbon frame. Then, installing brushless on all four sides of the drone motor while adjusting the Electronic Speed Control (ESC) on the engine and installing. After that, connect each ESC to flight control and install the buzzer and receiver. Next, increase the drone frame to 2 levels, install the MQ-7 module and supercapacitor. Lastly, install the exhaust fan/air purifier box equipped with the adsorbent made and install the proper on the brushless motor.
This work won Dikti funds in the Student Creativity Program in Copyright. It passed the 2020 National Student Scientific Week selection online from Wednesday (25/11) to Saturday (28/11). (Dedy, ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/atasi-pencemaran-udara-dengan-air-purifier-drone