The Out of School Education Department's Community Service: Empowering Women in Increasing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Decoupage Training for Women's Prison Class IIB Yogyakarta

The Out of School Education Department (PLS), Faculty of Education carried out Community Service (PPM) activities at the Class IIB Women's Prison (LPP) in Yogyakarta on Tuesday, 11 August 2020, and Thursday, 13 August 2020. This is a form of cooperation between UNY and the Yogyakarta Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).
This PPM activity was attended by 25 participants from the Women Fostered Citizens (WBP). This PPM activity is entitled "Women's Empowerment in Increasing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Decoupage Training for LPP Class IIB Yogyakarta Fostered Citizens." It aims to train and equip the WBP about decoupage craft entrepreneurship. Thus, after they leave prison, they have the skills and can do entrepreneurship, one of which is through decoupage crafts. The reception from the prison party to our team was excellent. We were greeted directly by Mrs. Ade as the Head of the Class IIB LPP Yogyakarta.
After the welcoming ceremony was over, our team started to open PPM activities. First, the PPM activity was opened directly by the Head of Department, Dr. Puji Yanti Fauziah, M.Pd. Furthermore, participants have distributed a set of craft equipment, including woven bags, decoupage tissue paper, glue, brushes, and scissors. Then, the service team (Tristanti, Erma Kusuma, Andin, and Fitta Ummaya, assisted by the speaker, Mrs. Azizah) directed the participants' things. Starting from cutting out the image pattern on the tissue paper, removing the tissue layer so that only the remaining part was left. After that, draw the picture, paste the pattern on the woven bag, glue it using the brush provided by the committee, and dry the glued design when it is dry 2-3 times.
The training participants' enthusiasm was great. This can be seen from the work of the woven bags, from being plain to colorful. The creations of each WBP are also exciting and beautiful.
We hope that this collaboration can be sustainable. In addition, the training provided can provide benefits for both the inmates and the LPP itself. (Tris/rit, ts-Shafia, Alina)