The new students' prospective UNY who passed the 2020 Diploma Phase I achievement self-selection was announced on 10 June 2020. Based on the available data, from the number received at the study program on the Gunungkidul campus, namely 142 prospective students, prospective students from Gunungkidul were only 43 candidates. Student the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, said, "our target for the Gunungkidul campus, 50% of them are students from Gunungkidul. For the first wave, it has not fulfilled the quota. So it is necessary to carry out socialization, especially prospective students from Gunungkidul." So, on Wednesday (17/6) at the Handayani Room, the Education, Youth, and Sports Office (Dispora) Gunungkidul, gave socialization about UNY's New Student Admissions for the 2020 Independent Selection route.
Based on the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) vision of Gunungkidul Regency for 2016-2021, "Realizing Gunungkidul as a leading and cultured tourist destination towards a competitive society, advanced, independent, and prosperous in 2021" needs to be supported by better education. Therefore, the Gunungkidul UNY's construction in Semanu started with the intention that the Gunungkidul's people could go to college. So that human resources development will be further increased to achieve this vision. "If the UNY campus in Semanu is not ready, please use the PGRI building. You don't have to pay. Five classes are free," Bahron responded to the plan to open lectures in Gunungkidul.
In the presentation section on socialization, UNY Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Margana, M.A., M.Hum., conveyed about the pathway and pattern of entry for New Student Admission in 2020, the study programs held, accreditation and excellence of UNY, and explained the management of the Diploma program, better known as MEME (multi-entry and multi exit). This socialization was continued by the Head of Admission of UNY, Dr. Setyo Raharja, about the new student registration mechanism and closed by an explanation about the Indonesian Smart Lecture Card (KIP-Kuliah) by the UNY 2020 PMB Admission staff. (Sud,ts-Shafia, Alina)
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