MPI Added Collection Of His Cultural Heritage objectives, The Arca Agastya And Arca Ganesha

The Indonesian Education Museum of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (MPI UNY) should be proud because it is trusted to add to its collection, the Agastya Statue and Ganesha Statue, which were loaned directly by the Yogyakarta Cultural Heritage Preservation Center (BPCB DIY).
The handover and loan event, which took place today, Friday (23/4) at MPI UNY, was attended by Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., MA (Vice-Rector I), Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Purwanto, M.Sc. (Vice-Rector 2), Prof. Dr. Trie Hartiti Retnowati, M.Pd. (Head of MPI), and staff from MPI. In addition, from the Conservation Preservation Center Yogyakarta, Dra. Zaimul Azzah, M. Hum. accompanied by several teams.
In his welcoming speech, Margana expressed his infinite gratitude because the BPCB DIY has entrusted the loan of the Ganesha and Agastya statues to MPI UNY as its collection of historical objects. In addition, he also believes that the existence of these two statues can increase the interest of the wider community to visit MPI UNY and be interested in learning about the history and culture of the nation.
"With the collection of the Agastya and Ganesha statues which have extraordinary history and meaning, hopefully in the future MPI UNY can become a reference for all museums in Indonesia and even internationally," he added.
In Hinduism, the Ganesha statue is interpreted as the Protector God, the God of Knowledge, and the God of Wisdom. At the same time, the Agastya statue is symbolized as Maharesi or Mahaguru, who teaches about dharma in the world.
The Head of BPCB DIY, Zaimul Azzah, hopes that the Ganesha and Agastya statues at MPI UNY can be more helpful, especially for students interested in studying history, and hopes that MPI UNY can take good care of these two statues. (Khairani Faizah, ts-Shafia, Alina)
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