The Minister of National Education inaugurated the AL-MUJAHIDIN MOSQUE UNY

The Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Muh. Noah inaugurated the Al-Mujahidin UNY mosque. The inauguration, held the morning before the Dies Natalis Ceremony, was marked by the signing of the inscription and the cutting of the bun in the Al-Mujahidin Mosque. In his speech, the Minister of National Education said, UNY has done an excellent job of building character by building this mosque. It is hoped that this mosque will provide enlightenment to the community and be able to bring up intellectual thoughts. Pak Noah said we should all be people who always give thoughts or who can always take advantage.
Every day our knowledge increases. With the knowledge of swimming, we are in the ocean of benefit. If the ocean is water, our bodies will be splashed wet because our movements will wet other people. If the ocean is good, then we will get a benefit. The best of people are those who can provide help. "This mosque is expected to lead us to provide benefits both in mujahid's thoughts and in daily behavior," he said. Meanwhile, the Rector of UNY, Dr. Rochmat Wahab, MA, MPd, said that the construction of a special lecture building (Al-Mujahiddin Mosque) was carried out based on a very urgent need to meet curricular needs, the smooth running of Islamic education lectures which desperately needed the existing lecture halls can fully meet a special room that was not. "Moreover, we have agreed to make UNY as an icon of Character Education", he emphasized.
The Rector also explained that the Special Lecture Building (UNY Mosque) was built with state budget funds and donations from the UNY extended family and planners. In 2009 UNY constructed an impressive lecture building covering an area of 808 m2, maintenance of a special lecture building covering an area of 1920 m2, making a dome. Construction in 2010 carried out the maintenance of a special lecture building covering an area of 1920 m and garden work with a total cost of Rp. 7,034,368,000. While the mosque building area is 1920 m2 with a supporting building area of 808 m2. "We always pray, hopefully, the mothers and fathers who give their charity get abundant and continuous rewards," said the Rector.