Medal for Faculty of Sport Sciences, UNY

The PON PAPUA XX event is over, but the reverberation is still palpable, total of 14 students from 31 students of Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FIK UNY) who participated in the XX Papua PON event managed to get a medal. There is no gold yet, but they are all golden children of FIK UNY. Their struggle deserves kudos, their hard work is also commendable.
In athletics, Bayu Prasetyo won a silver medal. In sand volleyball, Yokebed Purari Eka Setyaningrum won the silver medal and Imtaq Anshori Shihab and Ilham Akbar won the bronze medal. In archery, Okka Bagus Subekti won bronze and Hendra Purnama won 1 silver and 1 bronze. Dyah Puspitingtyas of the Rock Climbing Sport won a bronze medal. Taekwondo athletes Raden Odo Prangbakat Suryosukamto and Anisa Nuroktaviana won the bronze medal. In Field Tennis, Rafli Feby Putra Tri Prasetyo won a bronze, while Novela Rezha Millenia Putria Sari and Achad Imam Ma’ruf won 1 silver and 2 bronzes respectively. Kurash sports, Nur Afif Berliani won the silver medal.
PON Papua XX with the slogan “Torang Bisa!!” Held from October 2 to October 15, 2021. This event was originally scheduled to be held in November 2020, but was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the election to host the PON, Papua province won the most votes in the vote for the candidate to host the PON, taking 66 votes at the KONI annual meeting, beating Bali and Aceh. The Lukas Enembe Stadium is the main location for the XX Papua PON, both opening and closing also take place here. The stadium has a capacity of 40,000 seats. The stadium covers an area of 13.7 hectares.