One of the geological disasters that often hit the territory of Indonesia is an earthquake. Tectonic earthquakes are sudden movements or shaking of the earth due to the release of accumulated energy caused by plate collisions. The areas that the fault passes through are Depok, Tirto Argo, Ngambangan, and Gondowulung in Yogyakarta. The fault is 10 kilometers from Yogyakarta or about 5 kilometers from Bantul. Reduce disaster risk can be done through disaster management actions. Each region has its own way of acting on disaster management. From here, UNY Faculty of Social Science students are interested in studying earthquake disaster mitigation based on the implementation of local wisdom in the community around the Bantul Opak Fault. They are Jainudin and Anisa Hanan Qonita from the Geography Education Study Program and Nur Fauzi from the Public Administration Study Program.
Anisa Hanan Qonita explained local wisdom in disaster mitigation in the community, namely the introduction of natural signs (physical semiotics) in the form of a roar in the event of an earthquake and the formation of soil cracks in the event of a landslide. Animal behavior (semiotics) fauna is not often found. "Recognition of signs from animals when a disaster occurs is the release of animals that live in the ground when an earthquake occurs," said Anisa. Signs of animals can be the appearance of animals such as snakes, ants, centipedes, and animals that usually live on the ground suddenly come out to the surface. This earthquake-resistant house has been implemented in several villages because the cost is cheaper than building earthquake-resistant houses such as wooden houses (joglo), which have a lower risk than wall houses. (Dedy, ts-DNA)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/kearifan-lokal-dalam-mitigasi-bencana