Jamu Kiringan Potentially Go International

The Director of Social and Cultural Harmonized Development and the Director of Natural Resources and Environment Harmonized Development from the General Director of Disadvantaged Regions Development Acceleration visited a group of jamu gendong entrepreneurs in "Koperasi Perajin Jamu Seruni Putih" at the Kiringan Canden Jetis, Bantul, Thursday (30/9) afternoon. The visit aimed to see Jamu Kiran Bantul's development and potential.
Dr. Bonivaius (Director of Social and Cultural Harmonized Development) said Jamu Kiran could go international and inspire other regions in developing local industries in Indonesia. "Now what is needed to develop further is a cooperation between the government, the community, business actors and universities or campuses," he said.
The village head of Canden, Beja, explained that the Kiran hamlet had been famous for its herbal medicine (jamu) since the Dutch colonial era. Starting in 2021, he will receive guidance and assistance from Prof. Dr. Nahiyah from UNY (UNY) through the UNY LPPM Business Incubator. "When the 2006 earthquake hit, it was down, but with the enthusiasm and assistance from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), now Jamu Kiran is growing," he said. (Quoted from the People's Sovereignty Daily, Saturday, October 2, 2021) (ts-Alina)
Source Link: http://lppm.uny.ac.id/berita/jamu-kiringan-berpotensi-go-internasional.html