Introducing Indonesian Arts and Culture to the Students in Melbourne Australia

On Wednesday (10/06/2021) again, FBS UNY held the Muhibah Art and Culture, at the request of Bayside Christian College in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, which had previously been the target of the first Muhibah Art and Culture in August 2021. This time there were far more participants, not to mention less than 100 students.
The opening of the Art and Culture Art Goods #2 held on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, starting at 06.00 WIB (10.00 Melbourne Time). Presented at the opening ceremony of the entire ranks of the Dean of FBS UNY, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes., AIFO, Dean of FBS UNY Mrs. Dr. Sri Harti Widyastuti, M.Hum, and the Head of Chancery & Consul for Information Social and Cultural Affairs Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne Victoria Australia I Made Oka, Ms. Chandra Schokman as school representative, The Head of Subdivision and Head of Subdivision as well as the Muhibah Art and Culture #2 team and Head of UUIK Mrs. Nunik Sugesti, M. Hum., the UUIK team and students who helped carry out the activities. .
The event began with an Overview of Indonesian Cultural Arts by Dr. Ayu Niza Machfauzia, M.Pd., and invited participants to imitate the hand movements of the Kecak Dance, and to follow the rhythm of Jaranan Music with vocals sung by Mrs. Driyastuti Jogjaningrum, M.A.
The implementation of the Art practice is divided into 3 breakout rooms.
- Traditional Indonesian dance practice with tutor Dr. Kuswarsantyo and Mrs. Tresna Maya S, M.Pd.
- Practice of Traditional Music (Klotekan and Regional Songs) with Tutors, Mrs. Drijastuti Jogjaningrum, S.Sn., M.A., and Mrs. Yunike Juniarti Fitria, M.A.
- Practice of Fine Arts/ Crafts and Culture (Making Paper Puppets for Ramayana figures) with tutors Mrs. Dwi Retno Sri Ambarwati, S.Sn., M.Sn and Mrs. Arsianti Latifah, S.Pd., M.Sn.
In the implementation, the participants were divided into 3 groups, which took turns following 3 art practices, so that each student got all the material being taught.
At the end of the session, all participants together with their tutors performed a collaborative performance of Jathilan Dance, Klothekan Music and playing wayang along with the music being played.