Hima Seta Last Year Dance Performance

The hall Tedja Kusuma FBS UNY, was packed with visitors. That night, the management of Last year's Performance (PAK) was held by the Dance Student Association (Himaseta) FBS UNY. The performance entitled Setaun Dancing: Rinonce Rasa, Ambangun Karsa, Kangge Mujudake This work was attended by lecturers of Dance Education, students, and the general public. Also present were the Deputy Dean 3 of FBS UNY, Kun Setyaning Astuti. The dance performance is the highlight of PAK Himaseta.


Every year a similar event is held as an event for student creativity and marking the end of the old management of the Dance Student Association. The performance was also the beginning of the new direction of Himaseta FBS UNY. "Every year we hold a dance performance. This is a routine schedule. In this way, it is hoped that the relationship between the generations of dance students will be stronger," said Valentina Paska Puti Febriani, the head of the PAK committee. According to him, the gap between generations must be erased. One way to unite students is through joint work.


Himaseta tried to accommodate all these expectations. "Hopefully, this will be a good start so that the management of Himaseta 2019 will also be better. Hopefully, the brotherhood will be even closer," added Valentina. What is interesting, in this performance, the performance is not only enlivened by the appearance of students and lecturers of Dance Arts Education FBS UNY.


Several students from outside UNY, such as ISI Surakarta and ISI Yogyakarta, also enlivened the dance performance. So, in addition to strengthening relations between generations, this performance also supports the network between art campuses. Moreover, students and lecturers collaborate to present memorable performances for the community. "Students are free to explore anything and then present it as an interesting show. In that way, his expression appeared purely from within. This is the true identity of a dance student," said Muh. Mukti, as a lecturer in Dance Education. 

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