The Wates Campus of UNY held a Bike and Healthy Walk on Sunday to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of UNY, attended by the Chancellor of UNY and officials from UNY, the Acting Regent and the ranks of the Kulon Progo Muspida, lecturers, employees , students and residents around Kulon Progo. The start and finish starts from the UNY Academic Services Building, Wates Campus. This healthy bicycle was attended by 1200 participants consisting of 710 from healthy bicycle participants and the start flag by the Acting Regent of Kulon Progo, Ir. Budi Antana, M.Sc. In his opening, the Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd. said that the Bike and Healthy Walk is a form of unification between UNY as an educational institution and the Kulon Progo community.
''This UNY is from the community, by the community and for the community. And this is part of UNY's vision to be able to develop the potential of the community around Kulon Progo. UNY plans that we will develop the Wates Campus into a vocational school that has more students and from a community perspective, it will have more opportunities to enter UNY Wates Campus,” said Sutrisna. “Sport is also part of character education which consists of thinking, heart, exercise, taste, and intention. So that this Bike and Healthy Walk is a realization of the theme of character education that will have an effect on daily life or at work,” added Sutrisna.
Acting Regent, Ir. Budi Antono, M.Si on this occasion congratulated UNY on its 53rd Anniversary. "In accordance with the theme of UNY's 53rd anniversary, namely Internalization of Character Education in Building National Independence, it is a joint commitment for the UNY academic community to strengthen UNY's vision as a Leader in Character Education. The 53rd Anniversary of UNY is a momentum to keep moving forward, being visionary, and making many works and achievements.
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/sepeda-dan-jalan-sehat-sebagai-wujud-penyatuan-uny-dengan-masyarakat