Climate change has happened in the world. This certainly has a negative impact on Indonesia, which consists of thousands of islands with a beach length of 80.00 km. Of course, this makes Indonesia a vulnerable area to climate change. Changing weather patterns, shifts in seasons that are difficult for farmers to anticipate have caused a large potential for crop failure in several areas in Indonesia. This certainly affects agricultural productivity. The Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (FIS UNY) felt compelled to hold a national seminar with the theme "Anticipating Climate Change for Environmental Conservation," which will be held on Saturday (16/6) in the Ki Hajar Dewantara room of FIS UNY.
This activity will present speakers Drs. With the sub-theme Nasrullah (Head of BMKG Climate Change Information): "Efforts to anticipate and adapt to climate change", Ir. Anjal Anie Asmara, MSi. (Lecturer of the Faculty of Agriculture UGM), Sub-theme: “Global climate change and food security” and Drs. Suhadi Purwantara, M.Sc. (Lecturer of Geography Education Study Program, FIS UNY) Sub-theme: "Aspects of global climate change in learning geography in schools". In addition, in this activity, presentations are planned for papers that pass the selection and publication of proceedings. The committee invites academics and practitioners to actively participate by sending papers with the following sub-themes: a. Anticipating climate change in Indonesia, b. Anticipation of climate change on food security c. Aspects of global climate change in geography learning. (Muhammad Abdul Hadi/JK, DNA)