Feminist Literature Research Workshop

To improve the competence of feminist literary research, starting from the preparation of conceptual knowledge, methods, to conducting research and writing research outputs, journal articles and seminar proceedings, HISKI KOMISARIAT UNY in collaboration with the Research Grant Research Team for Indonesian Literature Study Program FBS UNY held a feminism research workshop entitled: “Familiar with Various Feminism Research and How to Write It”.

The event will be held on Monday, August 9, 2021, starting at 10:00 to 12:30 WIB online. Nearly 200 participants from all over the archipelago participated in this activity enthusiastically.

The resource persons for the Workshop are Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, M. Hum., DEA (Professor of FCS UGM and Dean of FCS UGM), and Prof. Dr. Wiyatmi, M. Hum. (Professor of FBS UNY, head of the research team). The event was hosted by Dr. Yeni Artanti, M.Hum., and acted as Dr. Moderator. Else Liliani, S.S., M. Hum. The event began with remarks from the Chairperson of the HISKI FBS UNY Commissariat, Prof. Dr. Anwar Effendi, M.Si. followed by the Dean’s remarks as well as opening the event.

Dean of FBS UNY Dr. Sri Harti Widyastuti, M. Hum. in his speech said that the discourse on women and their position in social life is an interesting topic. Usually, women are placed in minority positions which generally occurs in patrilineal societies. In literary works that write about feminism in it can be revealed how the social structure of society produces literary works so that the field of feminism research is very wide open. And women’s problems become one of the important themes to be researched. This event is important and meaningful so that solutions to social problems can be obtained and can contribute to research on literary works that reflect the real state of society.

“We hope that this activity can be a driving force for the development of literary science and theory and the life of literary works itself,” said Mrs. Dean.

The feminist point of view is explained by Prof. Wening Udasmoro, namely seeing the world from the perspective of women in everyday life, women are positioned as those who construct their own world socially, and women have experiences and knowledge that are different from men and this must be recognized. In his closing statement, Prof. Wening revealed that this feminist research is perspective-based. So basically perspective, there’s positioning. On the one hand, there is knowledge, on the other side, there is perspective. To manage this perspective is very challenging, because we have to dismantle ourselves, and migrate from what we already believe.

Prof. Wiyatmi said that research with a feminist perspective could be done by anyone. It doesn’t have to be women, men can do it, even in this world many women are more masculine than men, and vice versa, many men are feminine.

5. Gender Equality