Education for Sustainable Development, which is set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - target 4.7, is a new field of education that pursues and advocates for the sustainability of life and society on earth. As a result, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (2016) have urged for “Action for Climate Empowerment,” providing a flexible phased approach to strategy and implementation of activities. Education for Sustainable Development systematically at the national level. They emphasized that in the process of developing a national Education for Sustainable Development strategy, special attention should be paid to stakeholder participation.
More Prof. Hiroki Fujii explained that UNESCO had proposed learning objectives to achieve the SDGs. Therefore, it is very important to consider the school level and the subjects and learning areas in which we will apply practices in accordance with the learning objectives of SDGs 13 "Climate action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects." Globally, further efforts in climate change education have been developed by UNESCO Associated Schools. One of these is a worldwide school network project entitled "Getting Climate-Ready." This effort introduces a whole school approach to climate action.
"Capacity building programs are essential so that teachers are aware of problems and have adequate knowledge and skills to teach education for sustainable development. Participatory teaching and learning methods, commonly called inquiry-based practices, motivate and empower all involved to change their behavior and take action. for sustainable development". (witono, DNA)Pendidikan-guru-sains-untuk-dunia-kode-klim-di-asia
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/menuju-percepatan-