Emping Melinjo Labor’s Daughters Graduated with Cumlaude

Muzaroah's tears welled up when her two daughters said they would graduate on Saturday (26/6). After her husband, Muchaelani, left in 2002, it was not easy for her to complete education for her two daughters. It is hard for her to work on jobs usually done by men, such as day laborers in the construction of cast roads. Being the only woman worker doesn't make her a privilege. Work with the same portion must be undertaken to be able to get the daily wage. Her current profession is to become an Emping Melinjo laborer with an irregular income or sometimes 20,000 per week to meet her daily needs.
Her two daughters are Sayidatul Maslahah, M.Pd, a Postgraduate in Special Education graduate with a GPA of 3.78, and Nur Milati, S.Pd, a graduate of Mechatronic Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering with a GPA of 3.78 as well. Both graduated with cum laude honors and went to college for free, thanks to the UNY scholarship for masters and Bidikmisi for undergraduates. In addition, these two girls received scholarships from elementary school to high school.
In 2014, Sayidatul Maslahah received the Bidikmisi scholarship at the Special Education Department, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). During her studies, Sayidatul Maslahah received exemplary academic achievements and became an outstanding student at the Faculty of Education in 2017 and Runner-up in 2016. In addition, she also managed to become students who received awards for achievement in reasoning for three consecutive years from 2015-2018. She also had the opportunity to contribute to the international arena, such as The 3rd International ASEAN Culture Camp: ISAAN Culture at the Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand, held from 19 June to 25 June 2016. In addition, she also had the opportunity to take part in Site activities at Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) Malaysia. In 2017 there was also the opportunity to participate in the Short Term Internship (Sit-In) for the Outstanding Students at Pangasinan State University, Bayambang, Pangasinan, Philippines. Alumni of SMAN 1 Sukorejo completed S1 in May 2018 with a GPA of 3.83 and are the best graduates of the department.
Meanwhile, Nur Milati is an alumnus of SMKN Jawa Tengah, the first pilot vocational school in Indonesia. She went to school for free because she received an educational scholarship of IDR 125,000,000.00 in the form of education, dormitories, clothes, and so on for three years. Nur received a Bidikmisi scholarship in the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program through the SBMPTN (Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities) route. Nur graduated from the study program in 3 years and nine months and planned to continue her master's degree in the same study program through a scholarship.
This program is in line with the mission of UNY in a sustainable global plan, especially in the aspect of poverty alleviation and quality education. (Dedy, ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/buruh-emping-mlinjo-kedua-putrinya-lulus-cumlaude