A covid-19 pandemic can paralyze the education sector, making schools, colleges, and academic activities that involve interaction postponed or canceled. Indonesian education is also one of the affected and requires a transformation adapted to the current situation. Covid-19 requires several campuses and schools to start implementing remote teaching and learning activities or online lectures. On the other hand, Child-Friendly Village (Kampung Ramah Anak-KRA) is one of the Yogyakarta Province programs that has several aspects developed. The KRA already has a commitment and awareness mechanism for children's education with a series of programs so that it is related to the community's aspirations about distance learning. Children are associated with their implications for education policy during a pandemic. They are Yoga Asadi Unggul Wicaksono, Fauzie Adhi Pratama and Fitri Ardiningsih.
According to Yoga Asadi Unggul Wicaksono, a KRA embodies the KLA (Child-friendly City) policy at the ward level. Suryowijayan Village has chosen research mapping aspirations for distance learning since they have carried out several activities, including tutoring, education park, Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA). It implemented community study hours and free centralized internet access to support the children's education, especially during the pandemic. Fauzie Adhi Pratama added that the mapping results as a basis for consideration for evidence-based policymaking, especially those related to education policies during the pandemic. Not all parents can accompany children to study due to working to meet the needs of life during the pandemic.
Fitri Ardiningsih explained that one of the obstacles in distance learning is when the teacher gives assignments to students. In addition, the teachers' competence in the use of technology and learning platforms is still lacking. Students will get bored faster because the learning media used by teachers in delivering education are less varied. "We found this in RW 1 Suryowijayan," he said. It is undeniable that the obstacles experienced during the PJJ came from technical and practical aspects. The girl born in Kebumen on January 10, 2001, said that the main aspirations that emerged include the need for synergy from parents, communities, schools, and the government to support the implementation of PJJ. In addition, schools and teachers need to provide innovative learning strategies adapted to distance learning. KRA needs to maximize and expand the reach of programs in support of distance education. The subjects in this study were elementary, middle, and high school students and their parents, community leaders, the head of the RW, and the person in charge of KRA. Subject selection is based on the socioeconomic background of each subject to demonstrate the differentiation of aspirations.
This work won funding from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in the Student Creativity Program in the Social Humanities Research in 2021. It also passed the National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas), which will be held online at the end of October. This activity is one of UNY's efforts in the sustainable development agenda in quality education. (Dedy, ts-Shafia, Alina)
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