Bike and Healthy Walk at UNY Wates Campus for Celebrating UNY Anniversary 52nd

Celebrating the 52nd anniversary of UNY, UNY Wates Campus again held a Healthy Walk and Bike on Sunday (1/5/2016) starting from the UNY Academic Service Building, Wates campus. This event was attended by 1257 participants with 553 healthy bicycles and 704 healthy walks. The Deputy Regent and his staff attended this bicycle and healthy walk, the Chancellor of UNY and UNY officials, lecturers, employees, students, and residents around Kulon Progo.
At the opening, the Deputy Regent of Kulon Progo, H. Drs. Sutedjo, expressed his appreciation for the re-organization of bicycles and healthy walks as an annual schedule that brings health benefits and the establishment of friendship between UNY and residents around Kulon Progo.
"This 52nd anniversary of UNY is the right moment for UNY to reflect on itself to continue to improve and play an active role in the world of education and participate in the intellectual life of the nation. And I hope that UNY can continue to grow and progress," Sutedjo hoped.
"And I would like to thank all those who have helped and cooperated so that UNY can become a trusted educational institution, especially in Kulon Progo," added Wardan.
According to the chairman of the committee, Aprilia Tina Lidyasari, M.Pd. that the distance for a healthy walk is 4 km and a healthy bicycle is 10 km, with the route covering the Pengasih and Wates areas.
Participants will get coupons that have the opportunity to win grand prizes and door prizes. The participants who managed to get the main prize in the form of a Revo fit motorcycle were Lastini from Nanggulan and Rahmandanu Frans Adeastra from Lendah. Participants who received mountain bikes were Fauzan Kustyanta from Lendah and Sidik from Pengasih. Meanwhile, the winners for the LED TV were Binti Nazhirotul Badriyah from Kalidawir Tulungagung and Satrio Aji Pramono from Mijen Demak.
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