Abarta, an Iconic Creation From Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta, which is famous as a tourist city, is closely related to the word ‘culture’. There is a lot of cultures that can be found there. One of them is batik which has been crowned by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage from Indonesia. Yogyakarta’s typical batik motifs include Parang Rusak Barong, Kawung, Sidomukti, and Wahyu Tumurun. In addition, Yogyakarta is one of the centers of handicrafts in Indonesia. In Yogyakarta, there are many shops selling handicrafts such as bag crafts.
Bags are now an inseparable part of human life. Humans need bags to make it easier for them to carry various things. Currently, the value of the bag is not just that. Bags can be created in such a way that they contain aesthetic, cultural, and educational values. For example, Abdarta’s bag was initiated by Adigdya Pangestu (UNY Craft Arts Education 2020), Azizah Nuzulul Rohmah (Indonesian Language and Literature Education UNY 2019), and Rinda Lestari (Economic Education UNY 2020). The Abdarta team was accompanied by Ismadi, S.Pd., M.A., a lecturer from the Yogyakarta State University Craft Arts Education.
Based on market research, tourists want souvenirs typical of the area they are visiting. For tourists who are visiting Yogyakarta for the first time, the Yogyakarta Palace is a must-visit tourist destination. The Yogyakarta Palace is an icon of Yogyakarta, including the Abdi Dalem Yogyakarta who plays an important role there. Based on this research, there was an idea to make a tote bag from genuine cowhide combined with batik cloth with Abdi Dalem motif. These two materials were chosen because they are easy to obtain and of high quality so that they can create high-quality bags as well. In addition, the choice of Abdi Dalem’s motif is also unique because it is different from the motifs that are often found in the market and is iconic because it raises the icon of Yogyakarta. The idea was then realized by making a product called the Abdarta bag.
Abdarta is an acronym for Abdi Dalem Yogyakarta. The Abdarta bag can be realized thanks to the proposal submitted successfully being funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in the 2021 Student Creativity Program. batik as well as introducing and appreciating the courtiers.
The process of making Abdarta bags starts from making batik cloth to making leather bags. Everything is done manually so that the resulting product can be said to be handmade. In the process, the Abdarta team recruited MSMEs in the hope of contributing to the prosperity of MSMEs, especially MSMEs in Yogyakarta. The Abdarta team recruited several home batik and leather craftsmen. They choose their own main and supporting materials carefully in order to create the best quality bags.
Abdarta bag is very suitable for use in various events. Quality products that are qualified will make you look elegant and charming. With qualified product quality, you can also get Abdarta bag products at affordable prices. More complete information and ordering Abdarta bags can be found through Abdarta’s social media accounts, namely @abdarta (Instagram) and Abdarta Bags (Facebook)