BIPA FBS UNY chaired by Dr. Ari Kusmiatun, M.Hum, in one of its programs, the Asian Language Learning Series, organized Learning Thai Language with Nisachon Chuchai. This activity is a collaboration between BIPA FBS UNY and the ASEAN Study Study Program at Walalailak University Thailand.
Posted: November 3, 2021, 9:01 am
Posted: November 3, 2021, 7:21 am
On Wednesday (10/06/2021) again, FBS UNY held the Muhibah Art and Culture, at the request of Bayside Christian College in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, which had previously been the target of the first Muhibah Art and Culture in August 2021. This time there were far more participants, not to mention less than 100 students....
Posted: November 3, 2021, 7:21 am
On Wednesday (10/06/2021) again, FBS UNY held the Muhibah Art and Culture, at the request of Bayside Christian College in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, which had previously been the target of the first Muhibah Art and Culture in August 2021. This time there were far more participants, not to mention less than 100 students....
Posted: November 3, 2021, 5:20 am
Wednesday (06/10/2021), dozens of students at Bayside Christian College in Melbourne were engrossed in coloring the puppets with colored pencils and crayons, then cutting and attaching sticks to the puppet bodies and hands so they could be held and played. This activity is one of the materials given in the Muhibah Art and Culture...
Posted: November 2, 2021, 11:30 am
UNY has various activities specifically for women. For example, Muslim Studies is one of the Islamic religious activity units, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UKKI UNY)'s activities. This activity manages regular study in...
Posted: October 27, 2021, 8:33 am
The Village Entrepreneurship Program (Wira Desa) of the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology is an entrepreneurship program. The Wira Desa program is designed, implemented,...
Posted: October 26, 2021, 7:35 am
Two LPTK tertiary faculties, namely FMIPA Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and FMIPA Semarang State University (UNNES) have collaborated in the field of education. The signing of the cooperation was held on Saturday, 23/10/21 at the indoor tennis court of FIK UNY.
Posted: October 26, 2021, 7:35 am
Two LPTK tertiary faculties, namely FMIPA Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and FMIPA Semarang State University (UNNES) have collaborated in the field of education. The signing of the cooperation was held on Saturday, 23/10/21 at the indoor tennis court of FIK UNY.
Posted: October 15, 2021, 3:17 pm
To increase soil microbial activity, ...