13.3.1 Local education programmes on climate

Plastic waste and efforts to respond to climate change

UNY students are an essential part of the climate change campaign. One of the attempts is the dissemination of the dangers of climate change. UNY students who are members of the Research UKM have released two articles, namely about the danger of plastic waste and the latest updates regarding Indonesia's environmental conditions in the context of world environment day.

Cultural, Environmental, and Mitigation Center of the Institute of Research and Community Services UNY Organizes Integrated Service Program in Kulonprogo

Cultural, Environmental, and Mitigation Center of the Institute of Research and Community Services UNY Organizes Integrated Service Program in Kulonprogo

The population explosion of Hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes) in irrigation canals has caused environmental problems, especially in Bugel Village, Panjatan Subdistrict, Kulonprogo Regency. Institute of Research and Community Services, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (LPPM UNY) provides solutions to these problems through integrated community service activities. The activity conducted on 22-23 May 2021 is supported by four teams. Dr.