6. Clean Water and Sanitation

Water Conservation through the Management of 25 Rainwater Infiltration Wells

UNY not only builds Rainwater Infiltration Wells but also conducts water measurement and management of 25 units of Rainwater Infiltration Wells in five areas around the campus. The off-campus infiltration ponds include Karangmalang, Kuningan, Mrican, Samirono, and Santren.

Utilizing Rainwater and Household Waste, The Faculty of Engineering's Students Got Achievements

Utilizing Rainwater and Household Waste

The team from the Civil Engineering Education and Planning Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (PTSP FT UNY) became the Favorite Cinnertion Champion in the D'Village 10th Edition event organized by the Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) (02/06–31/10/2021). This team consists of M.

Sustainable Green Campus Policy

UNY has committed to a sustainable green campus through the UNY's Rector Regulation number 20 of 2017 and strengthened by the Rector's Regulation number 16 of 2021. UNY has ensured that various waste is sorted accordingly. This sorting ensures that each type of waste/garbage that exists can be managed optimally.

Activities of UNY Students in Maintaining the Waters

Activities of UNY Students in Maintaining the Waters

UNY students do many activities to maintain the waters, one of which initiates Gerakan Pengoptimalan Sungai (GPS) activities in Semoyan village of Yogyakarta. GPS increases people's knowledge and awareness about the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the river environment and local fish care. Youths put up banners regarding the ban on polluting rivers in some locations.

Differences in environmental balance in Potorono Reservoirs and Imogiri Reservoirs

Recently, many reservoirs have been built in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in several areas, both in Bantul and its surroundings. Some of the reservoirs that have been built are new and some are old. In addition, in the construction of the reservoir, some use tarpaulin and some use cement. The impact of the construction of reservoirs in different ways and times will have different ecosystem impacts. This phenomenon is the reason for the interest of the UNY research team led by Drs. Sudarsono, M.Si.

Success in Making Nanomaterials, Physics Education Department Wins 2nd Place at UNYSEF.


The student team from the Physics Education Department Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) won 2nd Place in the Scientific Writing Competition of UNY Scientific Fair (UNYSEF), organized by the Research Student Activity Unit (UKM-P) of UNY.
