B3 waste management is regulated by Government Regulation Number 101 of 2014, which was then updated by Government Regulation (PP) Number 5 of 2021concerning the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing. According to Article 39 of PP 5/2021, there are four categories of hazardous and toxic chemical (B3) waste management: collection, utilization, processing, and stockpiling. Storage must consider the type and amount of B3 produced. The type and characteristics of B3 will determine the form of the content material following the nature of B3 waste. In contrast, the amount of B3 waste stockpiled and the collecting period determine the volume that provided. The materials used for containers and other facilities are selected based on the characteristics of the discharge. For example, samples for corrosive releases are best to save in containers made of fiberglass.

The chemistry laboratory is a place to carry out practical activities, research, experiments, and learning. Practitioners and researchers in carrying out their work, contact with chemicals, either directly or indirectly, will often occur and may even take place routinely. Chemicals, in general, have the potential to pose a hazard to the health of the perpetrator and cause environmental damage.

According to the Department of Chemistry Education lecturer, FMIPA UNY, Regina Tutik Padmaningrum, M.Sc., the waste generated at the Chemical Laboratory of UNY is hazardous and toxic chemical waste. This waste comes from the rest of the practicum and research, used packaging, and expired chemicals.

Management of B3 waste originating from this laboratory, such as acid, alkaline, and organic waste, is carried out through temporary storage, collected into labeled drums, and stored in warehouses protected from heat and rain. Waste from hazardous and toxic materials (B3) in solid/mud form is good to save in a storage tank whose bottom is better to cover with a waterproof layer.

Regina added, handling B3 waste should be at a waste-producing place. If it is not, this B3 waste is better to send to a storage facility for processing. When it meets the requirements, it can be stockpiled or disposed of in final disposal. (witono,ts-Abror)

Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/pengelolaan-limbah-bahan-kimia-berbahaya-dan-beracun

6. Clean Water and Sanitation
Indicator Name : 6.Clean Water and Sanitation :