12. Responsible Consumption and Production



Positive cases of the Coronavirus or Covid-19 in Indonesia lately are increasing day by day. As a result, hospitals, health facilities, shelters for self-isolation are getting fuller, so efforts are needed to add more. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) cares about this. One of the actual efforts is to provide Rusunawa (Student Flats) UNY as an independent isolation shelter located in Wedomartani.

Reach Zero Waste With Waste Management In Compost

In order to increase the activity of soil microbes, improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and increase the availability of nutrients in the soil, the soil must be fertilized. The best fertilizer is organic manure. Organic fertilizers can be produced around us today, both kitchen waste and dry waste in the form of leaves.

Sahabatambak Mobile App Helps Fish Farmers

Sahabatambak Mobile App Helps Fish Farmers

Fish farming farmers in the Sleman area experience problems in the absence of a temperature monitoring system, pH, and oxygen levels in the pond water. The handling is often too late. Temperature, oxygen levels, and water pH are essential components that can affect fish mortality. These components are also very influential on the quality and yield of partners.

Kantin Ungu FBS UNY, A Canteen With Good Waste Management

The Faculty of Languages and Arts UNY has a canteen for lecturers and students called Kantin Ungu which is located at the east of Ki Nartosabdo Building. The canteen was inaugurated on Tuesday at 11.00 WIB by the Dean of FBS UNY at that time, Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. There are 6 kiosks for rent, and there is 1 kiosk that is intended for student entrepreneurship practices.

As the vision of UNY to be the centre of professional and global teaching resources, there is guidance and introduction towards. In order to prepare the students for teaching at school, PLP is a course to prepare for teacher competence.

As the vision of UNY to be the centre of  professional and global teaching resources, there is guidance and introduction towards. In order to prepare the students for teaching at school, PLP is a course to prepare for teacher competence.
