11.2.6 Record and preserve cultural heritage

Preverving "Luk Luk Lumbu" through Matching Fund Program

UNY Student-Agisnia Azizah singer of the song Luk Luk Lumbu

"Luk Luk Lumbu" is one of the traditional songs from Banyuwangi. In 2017, the UNY Swara Wadhana Team sang this song at the 10th International Choir Festival Grand Prix (Thailand). Efforts to preserve this traditional song have not stopped. The UNY research team consisting of Dr. Kun Setyaning Astuti, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Samsul Hadi, M.T.,M.Pd., Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., Dr.

Danendra, One of the Youngest Participants of the Young Dalang Festival (FDC) UNY

Danendra Imam Gaddafie played the wayang well in the play entitled "Gatotkaca Jedhi". His voice echoed steadily throughout the room, accompanying the solah (playing tempo), musical instrument elements and cepengan (holding/moving the puppets) impressively like a professional dalang. Denendra is a grade 2 student at SDN Mojo 1 Ngawi.
