Yogyakarta State University is responsible for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have become a global development agreement under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). In line with UNY's identity as an educational institution, this responsibility and commitment is realized through efforts to ensure equal distribution of quality education and increase learning opportunities for everyone. 

One effort taken in introducing it is by holding shadow puppet shows. Wayang kulit is a type of traditional art performance popular and loved by all levels of society. The existence of wayang kulit is not only an art form for entertainment but has become a part of people's lives.

The performance this time presented the dalang Ki Bayu Aji Pamungkas, the son of H. Anom Suroto, a famous puppeteer from Surakarta. The performance raised the play "Satriya Krida Hambangun Praja" which tells the challenging struggle of the Pandawa Knights to build the Amarta Kingdom. The Satriya Pandavas, led by Bratasena, was ordered to write the Chronicle of Alas Wonomarta.

It is hoped that the essence and meaning of Satriya Krida Hambangun Praja's play will inspire and motivate all elements at UNY to create superior, creative, innovative people based on purity and independence, and intelligence. The UNY Knights, namely Leaders, Lecturers, Education Personnel, Alumni, and Students, and the support of partners continue to work together to advance and develop UNY.

Before the wayang performance, the winners of the Innovation Works Competition with the theme "Building a Golden Generation to Welcome Indonesia's New Civilization" were announced, which consisted of 2 categories. Formal and Non-Formal Education Category, as the 1st runner-up Ari Yuda Kusuma, M.Pd. from Jambi, 3rd Place: Firdiawan Ekaputra, M.Pd from DIY, 2nd Place: Pipit Haryadi, S.Pd.Gr. from DIY, and 1st Place: Dewi Triani Rahayu, S.Pd., from DIY. Next, the General and Government Category winner, third place: M. Wellemharto, S.Pd, CPC from South Kalimantan, second place: Andrias Nur Wibowo S.Pd. from West Java, and the first winner: Nova Suparmanto, S.Pd., M.Sc. from DIY.

1. No Poverty
Indicator Name : 11.Sustainable Cities and Communities: