Studies Devoted to Women

UNY has various activities specifically for women. For example, Muslim Studies is one of the Islamic religious activity units, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UKKI UNY)'s activities. This activity manages regular study in every management period. This activity has several benefits, such as: Being able to deepen religious knowledge.Reviewing things that often happen.Establishing friendships between members.Increasing the circle of friends.

Akhwat (women) can only follow this activity.

This year, the Muslim conducted the study in 5 meetings with the Perfect Muslimah Series theme: Healthy, Beauty, and Be Amazing Me. This activity took place several times with a variety of different topics. The first meeting discussed "How Weak Muslimah?", while the second discussed "How come Muslim women are dirty?", the third discussed "How come Muslim women ngaretan (always late)?", the fourth meeting discussed "How come Muslim women are wasteful?", and at the fifth meeting discussed "How come Muslim women smell?". This plan starts in October, every Friday afternoon. (Shafia, ts-Alina)

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5. Gender Equality
Indicator Name : 5.Gender Equality: