FIK UNY and SDIT BIAS collaborated in making sports tutorial videos for all SDIT BIAS students in all over Indonesia. The original plan is, SDIT BIAS Kaliurang will hold a field trip to FIK UNY in March 2020. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event had to be canceled and wait until the pandemic ended. However, until now, the pandemic has not shown any signs of abating. In the end, SDIT BIAS had to create a new scenario so that students could still interact with FIK UNY.

 The Sports Tutorial Video making event is a collaboration with PGSD Physical Education Study Program FIK UNY and held on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, at the Athletics and Football Stadium, FIK UNY. A total of 10 teachers consisting of a sports teacher and two principles of SDIT BIAS from different branches actively participated in the activity. The sports shown in the video are athletics and football. As the resource person for the training, Mr. Fathan Nurcahyo, M.Or. (soccer) and Mr. Dennis Dwi Kurniawan, M.Pd. (Athletics).

 The athletics tutorials given by Mr. Dennis include frog jumping, eskip running, turbo throwing, and slalom running. While the soccer tutorial consists of techniques and various types of kicking and dribbling, stopping and controlling the ball, throwing the ball into, seizing and looting the ball, and multiple methods in football.

 The SDIT BIAS teachers were very enthusiastic and seemed enthusiastic about the event. In addition to later transferring knowledge with students through video tutorials, they also added insight and expertise with tutors from FIK UNY. The purpose of this event is to provide knowledge in the field of sports for all BIAS SDIT students in the BIAS network throughout Indonesia. (PD.ts-Shafia,Vannya)

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3. Good Health and Well Being
4. Quality Education
17. Partnerships For the Goals
Indicator Name : 4.Quality Education: