Noise Level Measurement at UNY for a Sustainable Green Campus

"UNY measures the noise level in the campus area every semester. Through this activity,, we get authentic data on noise levels so that we can monitor, design preventive efforts, and at the same time control environmental impacts that hinder the realization of green campus conditions conducive to learning and teaching activities," said Dr. Tien Aminatun, S.Si., M.Si., Head of the Center for Disaster Mitigation and Climate Change UNY.
Environmental noise measurements were conducted at the main campus (Sleman), Wates (Kulon Progo) campus, and Gunungkidul campus, with 11 sampling location points covering areas within the campus and around the existing campus. 
The noise measurement data is used as evidence for the campus Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL-RPL) implementation reporting document every semester, then the RKL-RPL implementation document is routinely reported to the Sleman Regency Environmental Agency (DLH), Kulon Progo Regency DLH, and Gunung Kidul Regency DLH. Through this data and reporting process, UNY has essential data in managing noise levels in the campus environment through several policies, namely traffic management on campus, parking management, and support for using bicycles and electric vehicles.(Yarso Nurbowo, Tj.lak)
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action