Another achievement was made by the students of the Applied Undergraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. In this event, there were five students who participated in the competition, they were students from different study programs. This team was chaired by Muhammad Ikhsan Ardi Hansyah from the Applied Undergraduate Electrical...
Posted: October 26, 2021, 6:35 am
Posted: October 26, 2021, 6:27 am
Bertempat di LPPM UNY, Rabu, 20 Oktober 2021 Kalurahan Pakembinangun Kapanewon Pakem mengadakan ujian seleksi Pamong Dukuh Padukuhan Duwetsari. Seleksi ini diikuti oleh 6 peserta untuk menduduki pajabat Dukuh Duwetsari. Kegiatan seleksi ini dilakukan sesuai protokol kesehatan dan peserta seleksi wajib mengumpulkan surat keterangan...
Posted: October 21, 2021, 8:52 am
The level of information literacy in children can be increased, especially for children with disabilities,...
Posted: October 19, 2021, 11:02 am
Which UNYu’s never visits the Canteen? All of you must visit the canteen even if it's only for passing through the building, hehehe. This time, we’ll talk about all the canteen in UNY’s faculties. There are seven faculties, is that mean there is also seven canteens? No way, there must be more than that. Let’s discuss!
Posted: October 11, 2021, 9:07 am
The herbal medicine business group in Pendukuhan Kiran Canden Jetis Bantul, on Thursday (30/9) afternoon,...
Posted: October 11, 2021, 9:07 am
The Director of Social and Cultural Harmonized Development and the Director of Natural Resources and Environment Harmonized Development from the General Director of Disadvantaged Regions Development Acceleration visited a group of jamu gendong entrepreneurs in "Koperasi Perajin Jamu Seruni Putih" at the Kiringan Canden Jetis, Bantul, Thursday (30/9) afternoon. The visit aimed to see Jamu Kiran Bantul's...
Posted: September 29, 2021, 2:24 pm
Rosemary won1st place and Best Artistic in the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) Region 1 2021 at the...
Posted: September 28, 2021, 4:46 pm
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a Computer Assisted Test (CAT) for the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) for prospective civil servants through the Selection of Basic Competencies for Candidates for State Civil Apparatus (SKD CASN) for the Purworejo Regency Government. This activity lasts for two days, starting today (25/9) and tomorrow, a series of SKD implementation at UPT TIK UNY by first starting from Magelang Regency and Kebumen Regency. Deputy Regent of Purworejo Yuli Hastuti, SH...
Posted: September 23, 2021, 1:13 pm
The tofu production process produces liquid waste, where the waste contains high enough proteins and can decompose. However, suppose the waste is not processed correctly before discharge into the river without passing through the decomposition. Then, it will damage the biota due to changes in pH value. The liquid waste treatment could decrease the Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Biochemical...